AdBlue Level Sensor with Heater
SCR Systems Require Level Detection Capabilities
SCR systems have created a paradigm shift for vehicle operation. Put simply, the way vehicles cannot function when their fuel tanks are empty is the same way they also cannot function when their Adblue tanks are empty.
The ability to detect the presence or absence of AdBlue in the storage tank is, therefore, critical to the SCR system’s performance and to ensure compliance.
AdBlue level sensors take away any guesswork. These sensors determine the level of fluid in the tank and relay the information to the control unit. Depending on the input, the control unit:
- allows the vehicle to operate normally,
- returns a warning message to the driver in a visual (gauge) or audible alert, or
- limits the vehicle’s performance, thereby stalling operation or reducing productivity until the AdBlue tank is topped up.
Since AdBlue consumption in heavy-duty vehicles is about 3-5% of total fuel consumption levels, a simple guideline is for users to fill up their AdBlue tank whenever the diesel tank is filled. And where there are no AdBlue filling stations, it’s recommended to carry along a top-up container.
An adblue level sensor is a device that is used to measure the level of adblue (also known as diesel exhaust fluid or DEF) in a vehicle’s adblue tank. Adblue is a solution of urea and water that is injected into the exhaust system of diesel engines to reduce harmful emissions.
The adblue level sensor typically consists of a float that sits on top of the adblue fluid in the tank and a sensor that measures the position of the float. As the level of adblue in the tank changes, the position of the float changes, which is detected by the sensor. This information is then sent to the vehicle’s computer system, which uses it to determine how much adblue is left in the tank and when it needs to be refilled.
The adblue level sensor is an important component of the adblue system, as it allows the vehicle to operate efficiently and meet emissions regulations. If the adblue level sensor fails or becomes inaccurate, it can cause the vehicle to experience performance issues and potentially fail emissions tests.
The DEF Level Sender with Quality Sensor
The DEF Level Sender with Quality Sensor is a critical component in a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system, which is used to reduce harmful emissions such as NOx from diesel engine exhaust. The DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) Level Sender is responsible for measuring the level and temperature of the DEF solution in the tank, and it also features a heating function that utilizes the engine’s coolant to prevent DEF from freezing in cold temperatures.
The Quality Sensor is another key feature of the DEF Level Sending Unit. It measures the concentration of urea in the DEF solution to ensure that it meets the required level for optimal performance of the SCR system. If the DEF concentration is too low, the SCR system may not be able to effectively reduce NOx emissions, which can result in increased pollution and potential compliance issues.
Overall, the DEF Level Sender with Quality Sensor is a crucial component in diesel engines that utilize SCR systems, as it ensures that the system is operating at maximum efficiency while minimizing harmful emissions.
The DEF Level Sender with Quality Sensor is a device used in Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) applications, which is an exhaust aftertreatment solution. The product features a reed switch that provides continuous and steady output signals. It is designed to detect DEF level and concentration, and it also includes modular design allowing integration of quality sensor. Other features include DEF suction and return, engine coolant recirculation for heating DEF, temperature measurement, and impurity filtration.
The device uses J1939 (CAN-bus) to have better contact with the main control system. It has a built-in high-performance software that can output real-time and stable urea concentration, and it also has OBD (On-Board Diagnostics) that provides real-time monitoring for the operation of the urea sensor. The device has a bayonet twist lock for easy assembly and selectable length, depending on the users’ application. There are options of different electronic connectors and fitting types available.
This product complies with various emissions regulations, including EURO IV, V, VI, Bharat Stage, EPA 2010, and China IV, V.